48/1 Toraighyrov St, Pavlodar city, Republic of Kazakhstan
48/1 Toraighyrov St, Pavlodar city, Republic of Kazakhstan

Technological design

Design of engineering systems and networks, including :


  • internal heating systems (including electric one), ventilation, air conditioning, cold supply, gasification (low pressure gas supply), as well as their external networks with auxiliary facilities;
  • internal water supply systems (hot and cold water) and sewerage, as well as their external networks with auxiliary facilities;
  • main oil pipelines, oil product pipelines, gas pipelines (gas supply of medium and high pressure).


Technological design (development of the technological part of construction projects) of industrial facilities, including :



  •  for the power industry;
  • for the processing industry, including light and food industries;
  • for heavy engineering;
  • for the medical, microbiological and pharmaceutical industries;
  • dikes, dams, other hydraulic structures;
  • constructions of tower and mast type;
  • for hoisting-and-transport devices and elevators.