48/1 Toraighyrov St, Pavlodar city, Republic of Kazakhstan
48/1 Toraighyrov St, Pavlodar city, Republic of Kazakhstan

Architectural design

Architectural design for buildings and structures of the first or second and third levels of responsibility (with the right to design for architectural and restoration works, with the exception of scientific and restoration works on historical and cultural monuments), including general plans for facilities, engineering preparation of the territory, improvement and relief organization.

Construction design (with the right to design for overhaul and (or) reconstruction of buildings and structures, as well as reinforcement of structures for each of the following works) and construction, including:


  • bases and foundations;
  • concrete and reinforced concrete, stone and reinforced masonry structures;
  • metal (steel, aluminum and alloys) structures.


Urban planning (with the right to design for urban planning rehabilitation of historical areas, with the exception of scientific restoration work on historical and cultural monuments) and planning, including the development of:


  •  planning documentation (integrated schemes for urban planning of territories - district planning projects, master plans of settlements, detailed planning projects and development projects of districts, micro-districts, quarters, individual sections);
  • schemes for the development of the transport infrastructure of settlements (street-road network and urban and external transport facilities located within the boundaries of settlements) and inter-settlement territories (facilities and communications of external transport located outside the street-road network of settlements);
  • heat supply schemes of settlements with the placement of facilities for the production and transportation of thermal energy in the development system, as well as heat supply to industrial complexes located in inter-settlement territories;
  • water supply schemes for settlements with the location of drinking and (or) industrial water sources and routing of water conduits, as well as water supply schemes for industrial complexes located sewage schemes of settlements and industrial complexes, including a centralized system for collecting and discharging domestic, industrial and storm drains, placement of head treatment facilities, evaporators and waste recovery facilities;
  •  gas supply schemes for settlements and production complexes located in inter-settlement territories;
  •  power supply schemes of settlements with the placement of facilities for the production and transportation of electric energy in the development system, as well as power supply to industrial complexes located in inter-settlement territories;
  • telecommunication and communication schemes for settlements with the placement of infrastructure and information sources.